Treating plagiocephaly and fixin' our daughter's melon!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tomorrow's the day!

We have an appointment tomorrow with CranialTech for Bela's fitting.  I'm excited to get the process started, but getting really anxious at the same time...

I'm nervous about how she'll take to the DocBand. Will she have a hard time adjusting? How long until it feels normal wearing it? I've read other mom's blogs and some have said their baby took 2-3 days to adjust, and it was hardest at night. Isabela is a great sleeper, so I hope this doesn't mess up her schedule and she can sleep just fine.

I know it won't hurt her, but I hope she isn't uncomfortable.

On the flip side, after seeing so many pictures and other children at the clinic in their DocBands, I know she is going to look so cute! I am excited to decorate over the next few days. We are going to bling it out!! We're doing rhinestones, a princess sticker, and a velcro square on the front to attach her hair bows and flowers! A girls got to accessorize!! :)

I'll put up pics once she has her helmet. Wish us luck!!

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