We go on Tuesday 8/7 to get Bela's DocBand!! Here are a couple of pictures of her head now...
The sides of her head are a little wide. Her ears are also asymmetrical. Her right ear is a little forward compared to her left.
Here's a shot from the back. You can see how the top part is a little wide and then it gets flat as it goes down.
Her head is rounded on top, then goes flat. It's a lot easier to tell when it's wet, otherwise her hair hides it pretty well.
"The DOC Band works by applying mild holding pressures and capturing the growth of an infant's head. This method directs growth to the flat regions and discourages it in the prominent areas" (CranialTech.com). Isabela has a moderate, not severe, case of plagiocephaly. We are hopeful that her pretty little head will reshape quickly!! :)
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